We specialize in developing and implementing controls projects from the ground up. Anything and everything from new construction to renovation, retrofits and replacements to ongoing service agreements, Plug Smart’s controls engineers and service technicians optimize utility savings from any Building Automation System (BAS) on the market or in the field.

Design Services
We use our design expertise to design your BAS for comfort and efficiency, ensuring its custom-tailored to your business. Great projects start with a great BAS design.
BAS Architecture Planning
BAS Consultative Design Services
Division 25 Technology Spec Development
Project Budget Development
Sequences of Operation

Turnkey Solutions
Plug Smart is your one-stop solution for BAS needs. We will design, procure, program, install, start-up, commission and service your system.
BACnet Integrated Access Controls
Controls Upgrade/Retrofit Solutions
Creative Financing
Design-Build Controls Projects
Energy Reduction/Shared Savings Controls Projects
Multi-Vendor Integrations
Plan and Spec Controls Projects
Wired and Wireless HVAC and Lighting Controls

Integration Services
A building is only as smart as it is integrated. Our highly trained technicians can help link your building systems so that you’re facilities are running in the most cost-effective, efficient and smart way possible.
BACnet and MODBUS Solutions
Front End Upgrades
Legacy Proprietary System Upgrades
Multi-BAS Integration/Migration to Single Front End
Third-Party Integrations (boilers, chillers, AHUs with factory controls)
Service, Repair, & Support
Even the best building automation systems need proper maintenance. When your BAS encounters a problem, our trained technicians can quickly diagnose and repair it to get you back up and running at peak efficiency.
Multi-Vendor Break/Fix Controls Service
Planned Service Agreements
Program Modification/Sequence Adjustments
Remote Monitoring and Support