Advance healthcare effectiveness with efficient operation
Hospital Services:
Energy Management Master Plans
Comprehensive Energy Audits
Energy Conservation Projects
Water Conservation and Management
Building Automation Systems
Re-Commissioning & Tuning of Existing Systems
Turnkey Financial Solutions
Utility Rate Optimization Solutions
Facing limited operating budgets, hospitals must often choose between making facility improvements or investing in advanced medical equipment and more staff. We recognize the critical, 24/7 care provided by hospitals, as well as the limited resources faced by both private and public healthcare facility managers.
Our experienced engineering team delivers actionable findings that facility managers can use to support investment decisions such as reductions in energy consumption and improved comfort levels for patients and staff.
By implementing energy-efficiency measures, healthcare facilities can save money, help prevent greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality and support their commitment to public health. When you work with us, you get turnkey design solutions that reduce energy expenses and a guarantee that the energy savings alone will pay for those facility improvements. These savings help to mitigate inflationary risks associated with volatile energy costs. Through this type of energy performance contracting, hospitals can control their utility spending while focusing on providing care.