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October is Energy Awareness Month

The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) and Ohio Development Services Agency are partnering during Energy Awareness Month to educate Ohioans on how to better manage their energy use. Throughout October, the agencies will provide tips on better understanding energy consumption and energy efficiency, as well as information on energy assistance programs.

“Ohio residents can have an impact on their utility bills as well as Ohio’s energy future by being engaged in how they use energy,” said Chairman Andre T. Porter. “It is important that each Ohioan takes an active role in managing their energy consumption.”

During October, Ohioans are encouraged to review how they use energy in their homes and offices. Installing programmable thermostats and washing only full loads of dishes and clothes are just a few ways to increase your energy efficiency. Ohioans needing assistance in managing their energy costs can visit to learn more about programs that are available.

“Minor adjustments in how you use energy can save you money and that adds up when you’re managing a budget,” said David Goodman, director of the Ohio Development Services Agency.

The Ohio Development Services Agency has programs to help Ohio businesses and communities implement energy efficiency measures. By lowering energy usage, businesses and communities can save money. Program information can be found at

More information on energy conservation also can be found on the PUCO website:


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