Whether your project is a newly constructed high-rise commercial building or a renovated HVAC and controls system in an academic facility, Plug Smart is your representative and advocate as your commissioning agent.
Commissioning (CX)
Our commissioning engineers and technicians specialize in leading all of the commissioning process activities during and after construction. ​​
Fundamental Commissioning
During the design and construction phases of your project, we focus on your project requirements and basis of design for your building’s energy-related systems, working with the design team to ensure that any necessary updates are made to these documents throughout. As we compile and develop the commissioning requirements for your project, we incorporate them into your construction documents and finalize your project’s commissioning plan. After your project is complete, we conduct a comprehensive verification process that confirms the installation and performance of energy-consuming systems are compliant with your requirements and compile your commissioning report.
Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration (HVAC&R) Systems (mechanical & passive)
Building Automation & Controls
Lighting & Daylighting Controls
Domestic Hot Water Systems
Renewable Energy Systems (wind, solar, etc.)
Security & Access Controls

Enhanced Commissioning
Enhanced commissioning includes all of the key responsibilities of fundamental commissioning and can vary depending on the needs of your project. Typical additions include:
Earlier engagement during the design phase to provide review(s) of construction documents prior to 50%
Creation or review of contractor submittals
Systems manual development
Oversight, coordination & verification of training for your systems-operating personnel
Review of your building operations within 10 months of substantial completion
Ongoing Commissioning
In order to ensure that your building and its equipment operate in accordance with the basis of design, ongoing commissioning is critical. This process includes planning, point monitoring, system testing, performance verification, corrective action response, ongoing measurement and documentation to address operating problems proactively. Ongoing commissioning should be performed at least quarterly in the first year and at least once every 2 years thereafter.
Retro Commissioning​
In buildings where either there is a significant amount of new equipment (replaced HVAC, building controls) or where commissioning hasn’t been performed recently, retro commissioning can get your building back on track and performing as designed. Our commissioning and energy engineers perform all necessary planning, investigation, analysis, implementation and verification steps to deliver a successful retro commissioning initiative, typically with analysis or reanalysis, implementation and verification steps being performed quarterly for the first 6 to 12 months and set you up for ongoing commissioning every 2 years thereafter.